
felinewhisker is currently hosted on PyPI. It required python >= 3.8.

You can simply install felinewhisker from PyPI with the following command:

pip install felinewhisker

You can also install with the newest version through GitHub:

pip install -U git+

You can check your installation by the following python script:

1from felinewhisker.config.meta import __TITLE__, __AUTHOR__, __VERSION__, __DESCRIPTION__
3if __name__ == '__main__':
4    print(__TITLE__, __VERSION__)
5    print('Developed and maintained by', __AUTHOR__)
6    print(__DESCRIPTION__)

The output should be like below, which means your installation is successful.

1felinewhisker 0.0.1
2Developed and maintained by narugo1992
3Smart Data Annotator for Computer Vision Training Tasks, As Smart As Tom's Whisker :)

felinewhisker is still under development, you can also check out the documents in stable version through