Reading Instructions

Hold on to your seatbelts because this section is where we take a deep dive into advanced waifuc usage. To ensure a smooth reading experience, make sure you’ve got the following skills up your sleeve before you start:

  • A Solid Grasp of Python: This includes, but isn’t limited to, being comfortable with Python’s basic syntax, common programming tricks, object-oriented programming, and knowing your way around Pip.

  • Some Familiarity with Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and Deep Learning: You don’t need to be an expert, but having a basic understanding or a gut feeling about these topics will go a long way.

  • A Basic Understanding of Computer Algorithms: At the very least, you should be able to wrap your head around concepts like “workflow”.

What’s up next? Well, the upcoming sections will unpack waifuc’s inner workings and customize methods. By the time you’re done, you’ll be ready to wield waifuc for all your custom development adventures. Best of luck, and happy waifuc-ing! 😉