Source code for waifuc.source.base

import copy
from typing import Iterator, Optional, Union

from import tqdm

from ..action import BaseAction
from ..export import BaseExporter
from ..model import ImageItem
from ..utils import task_ctx, get_task_names, NamedObject

[docs]class BaseDataSource: def _iter(self) -> Iterator[ImageItem]: raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover def _iter_from(self) -> Iterator[ImageItem]: yield from self._iter() def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[ImageItem]: yield from self._iter_from() def __or__(self, other): from .compose import ParallelDataSource if isinstance(self, ParallelDataSource): if isinstance(other, ParallelDataSource): return ParallelDataSource(*self.sources, *other.sources) else: return ParallelDataSource(*self.sources, other) else: if isinstance(other, ParallelDataSource): return ParallelDataSource(self, *other.sources) else: return ParallelDataSource(self, other) def __add__(self, other): from .compose import ComposedDataSource if isinstance(self, ComposedDataSource): if isinstance(other, ComposedDataSource): return ComposedDataSource(*self.sources, *other.sources) else: return ComposedDataSource(*self.sources, other) else: if isinstance(other, ComposedDataSource): return ComposedDataSource(self, *other.sources) else: return ComposedDataSource(self, other) def __getitem__(self, item): from ..action import SliceSelectAction, FirstNSelectAction if isinstance(item, slice): if item.start is None and item.step is None and item.stop is not None: return self.attach(FirstNSelectAction(item.stop)) else: return self.attach(SliceSelectAction(item.start, item.stop, item.step)) else: raise TypeError(f'Data source\'s getitem only accept slices, but {item!r} found.') def attach(self, *actions: BaseAction) -> 'AttachedDataSource': return AttachedDataSource(self, *actions) def export(self, exporter: Union[BaseExporter, str], name: Optional[str] = None): if isinstance(exporter, str): from ..export import SaveExporter exporter = SaveExporter(exporter, no_meta=True) exporter = copy.deepcopy(exporter) exporter.reset() with task_ctx(name): return exporter.export_from(iter(self))
class NamedDataSource(BaseDataSource, NamedObject): def _iter(self) -> Iterator[ImageItem]: raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover def _iter_from(self) -> Iterator[ImageItem]: names = get_task_names() if names: desc = f'{self} - {".".join(names)}' else: desc = f'{self}' for item in tqdm(self._iter(), desc=desc): yield item class AttachedDataSource(BaseDataSource): def __init__(self, source: BaseDataSource, *actions: BaseAction): self.source = source self.actions = actions def _iter(self) -> Iterator[ImageItem]: t = self.source for action in self.actions: action = copy.deepcopy(action) action.reset() t = action.iter_from(t) yield from t class EmptySource(BaseDataSource): def _iter(self) -> Iterator[ImageItem]: yield from []